Hello, My Name is
Name Change Clinic
We believe that a person's chosen name is a fundamental aspect of their identity. Our clinic aims to provide resources, guidance, and a sense of community to those seeking to legally change their names, fostering a world where everyone can live proudly and authentically as their true selves.
Compton’s Table is partnering Atty Seth Trott from Quinn Law Firm to provide a free Name Change Clinic. Attendees will learn how to navigate the name change process. Compton’s will be able to cover the costs for 10 participates Name Change fees. We know not every body is ready to go through the legal process so we encourage those who are interested in learning to also attend. Registration is required for the event. Registration does not guarantee you will be one of the ten to have your legal process covered.
In order to qualify for the Name Change assistance you must:
- be at least 18 years of age,
- have access to your birth certificate and social security card
- not have a pending criminal case
(past criminal charges are not an immediate disqualifier).
Register for the event and apply for assistance HERE
Saturday, April 13th from 1:30pm-3:30pm
Clinic will be held at Compton’s Table